Friday, December 30, 2011

Half Iraq, or A Noggin'?

I watched a "nurse in" news story on the local ABC affiliate yesterday. Seems there was a revolt of sorts in progress after a local mom was chastised by what likely was a Baptist or Penecostal Target employee for breast feeding her infant, covered and discretely, while doing her shopping. Now while I will say that my position on the issue leans toward allowing discrete breast feeding as necessary, I have to confess that if I observe it in progress, I will likely steal a glance, looking for a brief glimpse of the proverbial second base.....or is it third? In the news story on Ch 13, as I was dutifully watching and noting every detail, I caught what I thought to be a glimpse of a nassive mammary, and in the process of patting myself on the back for my good fortune, I caught a replay..........
Have you ever noticed how much a newborn's bald head, resembles third base?????????

I must relate this story to my breast friends.......

Sunday, December 25, 2011

A New Year, A New Leaf........

......and you may or may not notice, that I've retired my obssession with the Victoria Advocate, and removed related posts. Fact is, as pitiful as it is, I have come to realize that I am no longer a part of it, and better yet, it is no longer a part of me. The friends and contacts I made there, I still communicate with here and by e-mail and on Facebook. The cretins, misfit antagonists and misguided jesus freaks stinking up my once hometown paper, are a thing of the past. When my dad died, still struggling to fetch his paper from the bar ditch the carrier seemed to delight in depositing it into as opposed to his drivewy or sidewalk, that ended a tradition we have as a family participated in since 1959. For me, it ended in 2007,(I suspect a number of others share that dubious milestone).
Whatever the case, short of the second sitting for the last supper, actually occurring in Chris Cobler's office, or bigj's Sam Houston State dropout's alumni dance, I am pretty much going to concentrate on what I do best - telling stories - a few true, others, up for debate.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Excuse Me Deer.........Are You In The Mood?

Let me start by saying - I don't hunt......except for fish, which brings to mind the clever Santa/car salesman Chevy truck commercial running this cool yule season. You see, this article in the outdoors part of the sports section of the Chronicle caught my eye this morning. The header said "bucks are vulnerable now, during their mating season"....... Well duh, I thought. Then it occurred to me that everything considered, the deer hunters are pretty much in the same boat - except that their mating season has no opening and closing dates. Now mind you, this doesn't exactly when one takes into account deer feeders, blinds, scopes that can tell if a deer is a natural blonde, and oh, that 30-06 Winchester, level the playing field, but it is something to think about. Like I said, I am not a Linda McCartney, "don't eat anything with a face" fanatic, in fact, I kind of dig venison sausage kolaches,

....okay, nerd time - the extended version.......

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Sad State of Print News....

......and of those who are hastening it's demise. I found out a couple of weeks ago, after nearly two years of buying my morning paper from Mustafa and Walid, full retail I might ad, that the Chronicle is actually hurting enough for circulation numbers, that their carriers now will enter a beehive apartment complex such as mine and trudge up the stairs to put a paper on my mat. After all this time of doing without, I was shocked at the first one that I brought in in it's plastic sleeve. It was a Tuesday edition, and while it was the Chronicle, if was smaller than I remember the sports section alone being, just 6-8 years ago. I tell you that to tell you this: It is still a traditional newspaper in every sense of the word, and that is a hell of a lot more than I can say for the Advocate. I find the print edition to be a complete embarrassment, compared to what I saw, as recently as 2006. It is poorly laid out, and so biased and one track minded in it's tone, that I am shocked it is still in circulation. I think that they are surviving simply due to the fact that "old habits die hard". That is the print edition. Their online edition, and "blogs" and forum, have become a complete free for all, with a few intelligent hangers on, diluted by a bevy of religious freaks, redneck philosophers, and just total morons stinking up the place. I will read it until the powers that be hopefully sell it to someone with some editorial aptitude and the ability to make it into a newspaper again. By the same token, I will not be surprised at the announcement that they are just closing their doors. Like I said, old habits die hard. Just ask the recurring "spotlight blogger"/editor...........