This facility is ten miles west of my residence. Several of my neighbors are employed there. They have guaranteed jobs through January, last I heard. I don't think this was a Dems vs Republican'ts issue, as much as it was just a matter of complacency on the part of the fat cats wallowing in the spoils of the waning days of a prosperous last deal, failing to notice that the jig was almost up, and that maybe a bit of posturing and palm greasing and oh, research into who the competition might be, was in order. In other words, "you snooze, you lose". If I were them, rather than waiting on K. B.utchinsin, and Guvner Goodhair to whine and cry foul and try to get the apparently better bid tossed out, what if they tried a new approach, and went looking for another project to bid on? It's not like war is going out of fashion anytime soon. Hell, check with the Afghan gunmint, or the Chinese. We are so up to our butts in hock to some cultures we once regarded as third world, maybe it's time to pay the fiddler, and listen to the Chinese Commies piss and moan about having to put up with inferior products that say "Made in America" for a change.......