Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Drugs: The Cow Versus the Cheetah..........

........not to be confused with the tortoise and the hare. Okay, I am referring to a story in today's paper:
about a pot bust by DPS folks.

There will undoubtedly be some distraught and unhappy Iowans & Minnesotans as a result of this.....

I can't help but think that this senseless prohibition of an herb that is simply grown and smoked and consumed in it's natural state, is a terrible waste of manpower and resources that could be much more effectively utilized in combating serious narcotics and human trafficking. The deal with weed, is that it's so space consuming and easy to find, and considering the fact that probably two in ten vehicles that cross the border and travel north are carrying some, makes it a bird's nest on the ground for DPS and County Mounties looking to make a name for themselves. Reminds me of a piece I read not long ago about why people eat beef. It has nothing to do with us being "evolved" or particularly smart(not that I don't enjoy a good steak on occasion). What it's really about with the cows, is that those big fuckers are so easy to catch. We figured that part out long ago. It's simple. People are inherently lazy. Hell, did you ever stop to think that maybe chicken fried cheetah fillets just might taste like chocolate covered heroin? We'll never know though, because those little bastards are so fast.
Well, same with cocaine, heroin, meth, and the money they generate for the cartels. The weed is like catching Angus on the hoof, where the concentrated narcotics are a lot easier to hide and sneak by the revenooers. Take the herb out of the equation, and devote the resources to the dangerous stuff, and you'll make a bigger dent in the bad guys' business.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Food For Thought.........

......could it be that we are all, in our feeding frenzy to nitpick the local paper to death over grammar and spelling, actually pumping up their online hit count and boosting their circulation?????


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010

You Can Dress HIm Up, But You Can't Take Him To Town....

While I think a couple, three of us who recognized BigJ's style, probably didn't do him any favors by ratting him out, ultimately, I am pretty sure it was the obvious grammar gaffes, "Say" instead of "says", a plethora of missing prepositions, and the coup de gras....."shut up!", that got him once again bounced from that Advocate Bar.
As well, his feeding frenzy approach to attacking a number of different posts, coupled with choosing the name "Exile", were probably instrumental in hastening his most recent demise on the Vicad forums in really short order. The shame of it all, is that I think the guy has something to say, and with the right approach and a little coaching and some friendly editing by someone who is qualified, he probably would be a player in the forums. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink....

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I'll See Your Ham, And Raise you a Tweet.......

At the risk of stepping on a few old toes here, I am going to go out on a limb, and say that I finally am starting to see some value in Twitter, and in some of what I once considered to be aggravating social networking websites. Doesn't mean I'll be tweeting tomorrow, or opening a MyFace account, but in the wake of the tragedy in Haiti, I do now see some value in these "instant" communication media, Johnny come lately sites. I have known Ham operators, many of them over the years, and while I admire their technical expertise and dedication, I think that likely now, with the UPS systems in place on cellular communications, and the networks that are in place, that the old tubes and dials are regrettably going the way of the old spout we used to pierce the top of an oil can with, and the oil filter removal tool( for those of us that weren't so cheap that we just drove a screwdriver through the damn thing and twisted it loose the messy way). I reckon it's just progress, and while I am one who usually bitches about software upgrades, invariably, they usually turn out to be better that the last version, and now as I always have, I will likely get with the program sooner or later. That doesn't mean my crotchety old butt won't whine about it for a while first and find some kid to sit them down and tell them about the "good ol' days though...........