Okay, I think I may have stolen the title here - from one of my heroes......from one of his Texas Monthly columns. But I'll deviate here, and rather than follow Kinky's storyline, try to show how the title he chose for his piece, is undoubtedly applicable in the little microcosm that is Victoria, Texas. Far be it from me to interfere with the aims or aspirations of would be candidates in the world of Victoria political hopefuls, but I can't help but laugh out loud at the joke a few of the Advocate bloggers are playing on each other and their riveted readers. It seems that the diminutive dark one who calls himself Bigj, has agreed to debate on camera, another blogger, whom I know very little of, but based on the small amount of his posting I have read, is as least, educated, articulate, and showed up when they taught spelling, literature, grammar, and speech. It also appears at this early juncture, that both aspire to public office in the Crossroads area.
Now while I must plead ignorance on Matt Ocker, I will say that I have what I think is a pretty good grasp on the public persona that is big.....er.....little j.
For the life of me, I cannot actually envision such a debate ever taking place, because I feel that if j has a lick of sense, he will never follow through with showing his face, or filling out any forms required for candidacy for any office, that requires using his full name and address and making that public record. I say this because if I had just spent a year plus, name calling, belittling, and threatening a host of total strangers, in the illiterate, grammatical disastrous suicide manner that he has, I'd already have moved to Montana, to start a dental floss farm, under a name worthy of the witness protection program........
Don't get me wrong. Seeing this proposed debate on viral video, linked to one of these backwater blogs, with bigj being filmed trying to verbalize the ignorant, illiterate, hateful shit he cranks out in print, is a wet dream come true for me......and many others I suspect. At this point, I would have to say that their plan to do this, is a joke or a fantasy at best. I seriously doubt that even the Victoria Advocate, and it's Facebook Twitteranian editor would be in any way party to airing such a farce as this. Jesus, I hope I am wrong...........in a way.........If a video of bigj's antics ever hits YouTube...........who knows. It's a pretty strange world we live in. And if I think it's strange, well............
What we have here.........is failure t'c'mmunicate. For some reason, this little troll has been inspired by seeing a reasonably educated black man with a line of bullshit a mile long, with a Muslim name actually chosen over a white war hero as president(that says a lot for what Bush left in our hearts and minds, huh?) to fantasize that he, totally unaware that he is a bigjoke, and actually might despite his horrendous command of the English language, have any grasp what so ever of the way government works, and actually get on a ballot.......sheesh.
Political Correctness or Culture War?
In the past year or so we have encountered several incidences where the
term “ political correctness run amuck” was inserted into the discussion.
10 years ago
Matt Ocker went to school with my David in Rockport. They were in GT classes from second or third grade on. Matt is extremely bright and at the young age of 32 or 33 has experienced enough of life and escaped its bumps to become a good leader. This whole group of kids have turned out to be really great hardworking adults with amazing forward thinking skills, and yes Matt, will chew Big J up and spit him out.
Oh, my, where to begin.....all I can say, without saying too much, is that stranger things have indeed happened (although not by much....) and that one should never underestimate the ignorance and apathy of the collective public....could he be elected to a (GASP) school board or other public entity? Sadly, yes. littlej will likely have the large percentage of Victoria drop-outs and other illeterates and ignoramuses on his side. Glad I don't live in Victoria.
Oh my, how embarrassing. Of course, I meant ILLITERATES. *SIGH* I think I need another cuppa joe...
R- your assessment of Matt Ocker is encouraging. The posters on that site know of this one. If not, then those here who still are in the good graces of the Vicad zoo, should use that privilege to invite those with balls enough to come here where they enjoy no protection from the Cobler Conspiracy, and be held accountable for their views and opinions. Barring that, I would be inclined to regard anything they say with their "home field advantage", as protected from being challenged, and therefore, just so much bullshit..........
BS Spotter is still claiming he will moderate this "debate" and will announce the time and place. Sounds like he is expecting a free for all, as he is asking for civility..... I still think littlej will back out and that it will never happen. If I am wrong, and if I know where it is, I will be there to witness this slaughter first hand.
Knowing how j write, and how he speal, and the dialect he use to had siad the thing he does, I am pretty confident that it will carry over into his speaking as well. He will have to yell some, as he can't capitalize his verbalization, that much is for sure. What remains to be seen, is whether he will call someone a liar to their face, and whether he will be able to back up his "facts" he so often tosses out without crawfishing when asked for proof. He does seem half ass versed on a few local issues, but I think he is too ADHD to not want to change subjects at random. Also, if he uses Google as much as I think he do.....then he is going to have one hand tied behind his back in a live debate...... I honestly think that this will be his undoing, and to reference Marty Robbins, has called out the ranger with the "Big Iron" this time. Unless Matt goes easy on him, he'll be road kill afterward in the pages of The Advocate(which unless I miss my guess, he'll still be too dense to comprehend, and thus, will continue his illiterate babbling and misspelled gibberish)....
bigj - I see you using my words, "crawfishing" to be exact on your comments to those who were trying to facilitate your "debate", as you are now crawfishing and refusing to set a date in the near future as you had implied you would. I know that you read this boy, so why don't you show some gonads and register here and let those of us who would, have a go at your little mind and your pathetic little black ass, where you have no protection? You aren't going to show your face, or debate anyone, other than from your little Chris Cobler sanctioned bully pulpit that is the Victoria Advocate forums, and you never intended to from the outset. You are just a sawed off little bag of hot air, and you no more have any intention of running for any office, or debating your detractors than the man in the moon does. You are simply put, an illiterate little troll, just eaten up with himself, and delusional because you have a few white folks arguing with you, and one or two humoring you on a backwoods internet newspaper site.
Man I miss seeing you spar with that mental midget. IMO he is borderline retarded and crosses that border every chance he gets. It does appear that j is trying to weasel his way out. Keep blogging and I will keep reading.
Hey, I don't think the debate will ever happen, but if by some chance it does, what is little j had a "stand-in" for him? Wouldn't that be rich? But then again, it wouldn't be smart enough to do that and most people wouldn't be stupid enough to take on his challenge of debating.
Saw your comments the other day on the live broadcast, thanks for the link here. Justasking.
Hey watch out with the comments about retardation and weasels...people who are born with double digit IQ's can't help it and don't try to get into pissing matches with better equipped people. And as far as weasels go, those our some of my distant cousins (get it, weasels and ferrets?) A very lame excuse for a joke, I know. Sorry. I'll try to do better next time.
Well put Mike, all of us know that lilj will weasel out (no offense ferret).
Now someones has, and of course, it now has to be on lilj's terms.
What a big man he is.
Lilj reminds me of a little dog, when he's behind a fence he yaps up a storm,and is willing to challenge anyone. But as soon as the fence gate is opened, he runs around to hide behind the house, or under the porch.
Legion, no offense taken about my weasel cousins.
Good comparison with a yippy dog and little j, however you left out the part of him pissing himself when the gate gets opened. before he runs away.
Little J is annoying as the swarm of crickets that invade every year and I bet he stinks as bad as they do, also. No offense, Jimmeny Cricket.
I noticed that j has been accussing another poster as being you, Pilot. His paranoia is running at full throttle. Think I'll give it a boost this morning, while I am at it.
I found my account information. It took a while. I must have been looking at the glass as full that day. Now, I am no longer anonymous. LOL
I finally found my blogname on this site. No longer anonymous unless my memory fails again.
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